Sorcerer |
Job Base(s): | Sage Scholar |
Job Type: | 3-2 |
Changes At: | Geffen Tower |
Number of Skills: | 26 |
Total Skill Points: | 101 |
Total Quest Skills: | 0 |
Job Bonuses |
+4 | +4 | +6 | +11 | +9 | +3 |
AoE Magic
Unlike their predecessors, sorcerers have the ability to do area of effect damage. Psychic Wave will be your most used area spell due to its major damage, large AoE, and and neutral element (you can "endow" your psychic wave via summons).
- Diamond Dust (Ice element) has an average AoE, damage, and cast time.
- Earth Grave (Earth element) has an average AoE, lower damage, and a quick cast time (has the ability to knock units out of hide/cloak).
- Varetyr Spear (Wind element) has a smaller AoE, average damage, quick cast time, and has a short cast range (damage is affected by atk / matk and requires a target unit).
The three elemental spells are heavily based on the level of their corresponding endow.
- Killing Cloud (Poison element) has an average AoE, damage, and cast time (requires two Red Gemstones and hits multiple times).
Sorcerers have the ability to summon elementals that have very powerful abilities to help the summoner. There are 3 levels for each element, each having a different summoning requirement (catalyst). A summons stats are directly based on that of the sorcerer (ie A high agi / flee sorcerer will create a summon with high flee). A summon has the elemental resistance of that elemental type (agni is 100% fire). Summons each have the ability to change the element of Physic Wave, change the Sorcerers Elemental Resistance (100% resist of that element), and boost certain elemental spell's damage. On top of that, each element has a speciality.
- Fire - Used mostly for its abilty to boost the Atk of the sorcerer and increase the recovery amount of Warmer (+10%).
- Water - Used mostly for its ability to boost the Matk of the sorcerer.
- Wind - Used mostly for its abilty to boost ASPD, reduce total, cast time and create a defensive barrier.
- Earth - Raises max HP and defense of the sorcerer, and can cause stun with its attacks. It is somewhat less desireable than other summons.
At first, insignias can be a little confusing and hard to use, but they can be extremely powerful. Insignias require a bit of setup and coordination and also have high skill requirements.
- Insignias can be created of the 4 basic elements.
- Only one of each elemental insignia can be placed at a time (insignias do not share the same cooldown).
- Insignias are 3x3 ground enchants.
- Each cast cost 1/2/3 Point (depending on level used), which can be bought in geffen tower (200z ea).
- Points are Etc item, each having a different element corresponding to that insignia (Scarlet Point/Indigo Point/Lime Green Point/Yellow Wish Point).
Each insignia has 3 levels.
- Level 1 - Boosts the ability / hp and sp regen of that corresponding elemental summon.
- Level 2 - Changes weapons element to the insignia element (this excludes monster skills).
Any unit, friend, or monster that stands INSIDE the insignias 3x3 AoE attack will change. For example, if you are wearing fire armor, and a monster hits you while THEY are standing in a level 2 fire insignia, you will take reduced damage (Fire attack vs Fire Armor - 1/4 damage taken). If you have 100% immunity to that element, you will take 1 damage.
- Level 3 - Increases that players elements magic damage when THEY are standing inside the insignia and additional bonuses to that element (faster cast time, more matk, etc).
- When stacking multiple level 2 insignias on the same target, the targets attack will turn to the most recent insignia you placed on that target.
- Each insignia has the ability to boost the counter element no matter which level you use.
For example, if you use Fire Insignia at any level, any unit INSIDE the insignias 3x3 AoE will take +50% damage to water elemental attacks.
- Each insignia also has the ability to heal or damage 1% hp every 5s depending on their element. It will heal the same element and damage opposite element (see insignia links below for more info). This is VERY important to understand when dealing with mvps.
For example, fire insignia level 2 might seem like a good idea on ifrit because it will turn his attack to fire (tank will take less damage if he is wearing fire armor / fire resistance) and will also boost water attacks on him, but he will also heal for 1% hp every 5s (~70k hp a sec). This can be countered by also placing a water insignia (-1% hp every 5s).
Additional Examples
- Your tank comes back with a few more monsters than he is able to handle.
If you know what armor they are using, placing a level 2 insignia on top of the monsters will reduce the damage they take by 1/4.
- Precasting magic while standing in level 3 insignias.
- A person, with 100% water resistance, tanking an MVP (ie drake).
Water insignia level 2 on the MVP will reduces its damage considerably and increase all incomming wind attacks by +50%.
- Summons will take 1 damage if you place the corresponding level 2 insignia.
Job Change Guide
A Sage needs to be 99/50 in order to job change into a Sorcerer. A Scholar needs to be at least 99/60 in order to job change into a Sorcerer.
See Sorcerer Job Change Guide for detailed information.
Offensive Caster AoE
- STR: 1-50 (weight limit, masq resist)
- AGI: 1-50 (ASPD animation delay for smoother, faster casts, status resists)
- VIT: 95+ (stun immunity, HP pool)
- INT: 100-120 (primary stat for damage, silence immunity, SP pool)
- DEX: 100-120 (variable cast time, small amounts of MATK)
- LUK: 1-30 (small amounts of MATK, and other small bonuses)
The offensive AoE build strips itself of its former single target spell past and ascends to the utilization of magic that deals damage to multiple foes. INT is the primary attribute to increase this damage output. Since INT is directly in Sorcerers' spell formulae, each point in INT will increase damage more than an equivalent in MATK alone. High amounts are key, thus the MATK one can gain through LUK or gear is inferior to equal amounts of INT. However, MATK is still included in the skill formulae so getting a small amount of LUK is still recommended, and it also provides other bonuses like perfect dodge and status resists. Sorcerer AoE spells have a very short after cast delay, but very high reuse delay. A common practice of using AoE spells in combination is key to reach high damage output. Unlike its Warlock counterpart, Sorcerers gain very little from the global cast delay effect of Magic Strings, as individual skill reuse delays CANNOT be reduced. The variable cast time reduction effect of Magic Strings is definitely helpful however.
The Sorcerer's most powerful AoE spell is Psychic Wave, which is neutral element by default but can be changed into Fire, Water, Wind, or Earth property through Summons. The next tier spells are Diamond Dust, Earth Grave, and Varetyr Spear. Getting at least one other second tier AoE is essential for effective combos, but learning all three severely limits the other spells you can acquire. It is suggested to gain at least one Elemental Summon ally, as they can change the element of your Psychic Wave. Preferably, the Fire Spirit Agni is the best choice, due to the severe lack of fire spells. This will also increase the healing effects of Warmer, which, when used with Indulge to also recover SP, proves to be incredibly effective and can save you a ton of supplies. In addition, if you choose to use Fire Walk, that damage will also increase. Offensive Sorcerers are a good balance of offense and defense, and can achieve the 100 total VIT necessary to become immune to stun in PvP and WoE. Offensive built Sorcerers may find themselves also acting as support in many situations, including giving SP to party members and so on. It is definitely possible to build a full offensive magic DPS Sorcerer that can still provide most (if not all) of the support skills in many situations.
Primary Skills Used |
 | Psychic Wave |
 | Diamond Dust |
 | Earth Grave |
 | Varetyr Spear |
 | Killing Cloud |
| |
- STR: 1-100
- AGI: 1-100
- VIT: 95-120
- INT: 40-90 (INT is now necessary due to it being in the cast time formula and Soul Exhale only giving half your current SP.)
- DEX: 100-120
- LUK: 30-100
The Support type is going to differ from how the Scholar class was in pre-renewal. Soul Exhale now has a 3 second fixed cast time and only gives your target half of your current SP. Gone are the days that Champions (now Suras) can be filled instantly and quickly for fast leveling. Magnetic Earth has lost some of its usefulness as many 3rd class skills bypass it.Dispell has also been given a large fixed cast time. Due to this and the lack of many new support skills, the niche that Scholars used to have has been diminished. The role has not been lost! Due to the advent of status inflicting spells such as Diamond Dust and Arrullo, the AoE healing abilities of Warmer with no catalyst cost (especially with fire summon), and the supporting skill that can be achieved through Summon skills, the Sorcerer can be a very powerful support. Striking is a great buff to ATK classes (both physical and ranged ones). Note that a support oriented Sorcerer can still opt for the AoE Sorcerer skills to provide some damage when needed, at least in the leveling phase. Stats-wise, a support Sorcerer does not necessarily differ too much from an offensive caster Sorcerer. Some players may choose to go with a complete full support build for their Sorcerers who have reached 150/50 however.
Primary Skills Used |
 | Fiber Lock |
 | Blinding Mist |
 | Safety Wall |
 | Soul Exhale |
 | Soul Siphon |
 | Dispell |
 | Indulge |
 | Arrullo |
 | Warmer |
 | Striking |
 | Extreme Vacuum |
 | Diamond Dust |
Hindsight/Spell Fist
- STR: 1
- AGI: 100-120
- VIT: 50-95
- INT: 110-120
- DEX: 1-50
- LUK: 1-40
This is similar to the Hindsight Sage/Scholar build. However a Sorcerer has a new spell available to them: Spell Fist. Since this skill affects only the first number of hits, INT and MATK become more important for the initial burst damage than ASPD. The Hindsight-Bolt (Most effective with Soul Link) is then used to finish the opponent off. This build is single target oriented and so is more of a "for fun" type of build, as leveling really requires AOE. It is definitely possible to kill lower tier MVPs with this build however.
Primary Skills Used |
 | Spell Fist |
 | Hindsight |
 | Fire Bolt |
 | Cold Bolt |
 | Lightning Bolt |
 | Double Bolt |
Since the Sorcerer class is more versatile than its predecessors, they can wear different sets of weapons and armors.
Thorn Staff of Darkness - One of the most popular choice for weapon, because you can use the malangdo enchanter and get spell enchants to reduce your variable cast time (most people opt to get at least spell 4/4) can also be used in combination with
Skull Cap [1] to get more matk, and if the weapon is +10, it reduces variable cast time by 10%
Kronos - The most powerful two-handed staff a Sorcerer can wield, this weapon is a must-have for Caster Builds due to its INT and MATK bonuses. This weapon is most effective when refined up to +10, which would give a total of 8 INT.
Mental Stick [1] - A cheaper alternative that can be used while youre saving up for better equipment. Can also be malangdo enchanted. Increases your psychic wave damage
Ledger of Death - The deadliest Book ever made, this can potentially give the highest bonus to ASPD, which is indispensable for Hindsight-based builds.
Laphine Staff - This staff is a viable weapon for those Support builds that rely on fast-cast skills.
Combat Knife - A great woe & pvp weapon to use. Can be enchanted at malangdo
Moonlight Dagger - A great weapon for support sorcs, because it increases their maximum sp, thus allowing them to give more sp when using Soul Exhale. Can be enchanted at malangdo
Crown of Deceit [1] - A must have headgear for decreasing variable cast time, best if upgraded to +9 or more
Skull Cap [1] - A must have headgear for increasing your matk, best if upgraded to +9 or more, use in combination with
Thorn Staff of Darkness for more matk, and if the staff is upgraded to +10, reduces variable cast time by 10%
Red Pom Band [1] - A headgear for PvP and WoE
Recommended cards:
Kathryne Keyron Card - for more variable cast time reductions (if you are using this card on some of these headgears, make sure it is AT LEAST +9)
Dark Illusion Card - for variable cast time reductions when youre on a budget
Isilla Card - another card you can use for variable cast time reduction when youre on a budget
Turkey on Your head [1] - A great headgear you can use to increase your max sp, so you can maximize the amount of sp you can give with Soul Exhale, best if upgraded to +9 or more
Recommended cards:
Carat Card - great for increasing your max sp even further
Magician's Night cap [1] - A must have headgear for sorcerer going down the Spell Fist route, best if upgraded to +9
Recommended cards:
Lichtern Blue Card - for Cold Bolt's spell fist purposes
Lichtern Red Card - for Fire Bolt's spell fist purposes
Tikbalang Card - for Lightning Bolt's spell fist purposes
Black Devil's Mask or
Black Devil's Mask [1] - The unslotted one gives +2 to all stats and the slotted one gives +1, but with the slot it has more versatility
Black Frame Glasses [1] - An alternative choice for mid headgear, since in gives int+1
Robo Eye - Great for the matk increase, though it doesnt have any slot
Mini Glasses [1] - Another alternative for mid headgear, though it doesnt give any increase in stats
Sunglasses [1] - Another alternative for mid headgear, though it doesnt give any increase in stats
Hexagonal Spectacles [1] - A useful mid headgear when youre fighting insect monsters
Recommended cards:
Dark Illusion Card
Isilla Card
Fortier Masque - for Fire Bolt's spell fist purposes
Anemos Mask - for Lightning Bolt's spell fist purposes
Well Chewed Pencil - Great for the dex increase
Ninja Scroll - Great for the matk increase
Fish in Mouth - An alternative healing booster
CD in Mouth - Great for Spell Fist sorcerer
99 Love Balloon - Increases all your stats by 1
Long Octopus Balloon - Great for the int and max sp increase
Orleans's Gown [1] - An all around purpose armor that lets you get uninterupted cast, freeing your accessory slot from a phen card
Geffen Magic Robe [1] - Enhanced Orleans's Gown. you can get uninterrupted cast and reduced SP cost.
Diabolus Robe [1] - Nice armor to have, as it increases your max sp, use in combination with
Diabolus Ring [1] for the extra magic damage increase
Valkyrian Armor [1] - An alternative armor you can use for the increase in stats
Brynhild - God item, only use if you have the money or have access to it
- Elemental armors like
Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano [1],
Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor [1],
Saphien's Armor of Ocean [1]
Recommended cards:
Pecopeco Card - The extra increase in hp is always nice
Agav Card - For extra damage
Mangkukulam Card - For pure Soul Exchange support- Elemental changing cards like :
Marc Card, :
Dokebi Card, :
Pasana Card, :
Bathory Card
Valkyrja's Shield [1] - A great all around shield to use, as it gives resistance to some elements
Round Buckler [1] - An alternative choice if you're low on budget but need multiple carded shields
Orleans's Server [1] - use in combination with
Orleans's Glove [1] to get 10% variable cast time reductions
Thorny Buckler [1] - use in combination with
Bison Horn [1] for the aspd increase and damage reflect, great for hindsight/ spell fist build
Recommended cards:
Hodremlin Card - All around purpose card for PvM
Alice Card - A must for MvPing- Size reduction card like
Mysteltainn Card,
Ogretooth Card,
Executioner Card - Racial reduction card like
Thara Frog Card,
Khalitzburg Card, etc
Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1] - A great defensive gear, and the max sp increase it gives is beneficial for support sorcs when giving sp via Soul Exhale, best if upgraded to +9 or more
Heroic Backpack [1] - A great all around purpose garment, good for all situation , best if upgraded to +9 (just remember to have your intended stats at 90 for it to take effect)
Fallen Angel wing [1] - A must have for sorcerer wishing to maximize their potential at their chosen fields (offensive, support, or Spell Fist), can be enchanted at eden kitchen (offensive sorcs can go with spell enchants, support sorcs can go with either spell enchants or max sp enchants, and Spell Fist sorc can go with aspd enchants), best if upgraded to +9
Recommended cards:
Raydric Card
Deviling Card
Variant Shoes - The HP and SP bonuses can ensure a more resolute presence in WoE and PVP situations. Do NOT upgrade the item to get the most HP and SP bonus.
Enhanced Variant Shoes [1] - The slotted version of variant shoes. Does not give as much hp/sp as variant shoes, but it gives extra def/mdef upon upgrade, and the slot gives it a little more versatility. Can be gotten by doing Reno's Crystal Quest on Eden 2nd Floor
Diabolus Boots [1] - Great for increasing your max hp
Temporal Int Boots - Great for offensive and support sorcs, as it increases matk and sp, best if enchanted with spell enchants to reduce variable cast time (offensive sorcs can opt to get Runaway Magic enchant on the boots 3rd slot)
Temporal Dex Boots - Great for offensive and support sorcs, as it gives the opportunity of reducing fixed cast time, but the downside is you have to get 120 dex for it
Recommended cards:
Firelock Soldier Card
Verit Card
Green Ferus Card
Matyr Card
Sohee Card
Telekinetic Orb - Great for increasing pyschic wave damage when you're on a budget
Orleans's Glove [1] - use in combination with
Orleans's Server [1] to get 10% variable cast time reductions
RWC 2012 Pendant or
Chambered RWC 2012 Pendant [1] - Both enchanted with spell 3/3 for variable cast time reductions
Vesper Core 01 - A great accessory for increasing your max sp for soul exhale
Diabolus Ring [1] - Another great accessory to use that increases your max sp, use in combination with
Diabolus Robe [1] to increase your magic damage
Clip [1] - An all around purpose accessory that is cheap
Cat Hand Glove [1] - An all around purpose accessory that gives some stat boost
Silversmith Bracelet [1] - An all around purpose accessory that gives some stat boost, can use Spell Breker Lv5.
Bradium Earring [1] - A good accessory for boosting matk, can be gotten for free by doing a quest
Bison Horn [1] - use in combination with
Thorny Buckler [1] for the aspd increase and damage reflect, great for hindsight/ spell fist build
Alchemy Glove [1] - for hindsight/ spell fist purposes
Recommended cards:
Phen Card
Scaraba Card
Imp Card - for hindsight/ spell fist purposes
Siroma Card - for hindsight/ spell fist purposes
Achieving Instacast
What sets sorcerer apart from their warlock counterpart is the ability to achieve instacast, this applies to some offensive skills (like
Psychic Wave,
Diamond Dust) and some support skills (like
Soul Exhale)
There are 2 things that you need to have in order to achieve instacast :
- Skills (particularly
Call Ventus and
Spirit Control)
- Equipment (particularly stacking variable cast time reductions stuff)
The 2 main skills that you need to have are :
Skill | Skill Level | Usage |
 | Call Ventus |
| 1-3 | The Ventus summon allows the sorcerer to reduce their fixed cast time by 1 sec. This is a huge boost considering most of sorcerers skills has a 1 sec fixed cast time on them, so using ventus means you can get rid of the fixed cast time part on some of your skills. Note that level 1 to 3 Ventus gives the same amount of fixed cast time reduction |
 | Spirit Control |
| 1 | In order for the summon ventus to reduce your fixed cast time, it needs to be put in passive mode, and Spirit Control level 1 puts your summoned spirit in passive mode, so dont forget to cast it before you go into a fight |
Other skills that you can consider getting :
Skill | Skill Level | Usage |
 | Spirit Cure |
| 1 | This skills allows you to cure your summoned spirit using your hp and sp. To achieve instacast you need Ventus alive and in passive mode, so making sure that Ventus last as long as possible is very helpful |
 | Spirit Sympathy |
| 1 | This skill increases your summoned spirit max hp and sp. This skill helps in giving ventus a little bit more survivability, though not necessary |
Another part of achieving instacast is the equipments you're using. Stacking variable cast time reductions is a must because your fixed cast time reductions has been taken care of by Ventus, which means you need to get some equipments enchanted, particularly with the spell enchants (please refer to the Malangdo Enchants, Fallen Angel Wing Enchants, RWC Accessory Enchants, and Temporal Boots Enchants page on how to get spell enchants). With the amount of equipments available, there are a lot of choices that you can use to reduce your variable cast time, it just amounts to whatever funds you may have and what situations you are using them for
Here are a list of equipments setups that you can use to reduce your variable cast time (note that these are just examples and not the only combinations available, you can mix and match them to suit your own needs) :
Variant 1
Variant 2
Variant 3
Variant 4
Class Data
See Sage Skills or Scholar Skills for 2nd class Skills.
Description |
 | Arrullo |
| Attempts to inflict Deep Sleep status to a target. (Only in PvP & WoE) | 5 | Active |
 | Diamond Dust |
| Blasts freezing winds to deal Water property magic damage to all enemies in a 7x7~9x9 area and has a 10~30% chance tocrystalize them. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Earth Grave |
| Fires land spikes from underneath to deal Earth property magic damage to all enemies in a 7x7~9x9 area and has a 5~25% chance to leave them bleeding. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Electric Walk |
| Creates lightning trail behind the user that deals Wind property damage in contact. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Extreme Vacuum |
| Creates a whirlwind that immobilizes all enemies in a 3x3~7x7 area. | 5 | Active |
 | Fire Walk |
| Creates a blazing trail behind the user that deals Fire property damage in contact. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Full Throttle |
| Fully restores HP when cast and increases movement speed increases for the skill's duration. All stats +20%. | 1 | Active |
 | Killing Cloud |
| Creates a deadly poisonous cloud to continually deal Poison property damage to all enemies in a 7x7 area and poisoning them. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Poison Burst |
| Detonates the poison of a target, dealing high Poison property damage in a 5x5 area around it. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Psychic Wave |
| Fires a wave of psychic energy that deals 3~7 strikes, dealing Neutral property damage to all enemies in a 7x7~11x11 area. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Spell Fist |
| Converges Bolt damage into the user's hands for the next 2~6 Melee attacks, dealing MATK +50~250% extra damage. | 5 | Active |
 | Striking |
| Increases ATK by 10~18 × target's Weapon Level. Learned Endows increase the ATK boost. | 5 | Supportive |
 | Varetyr Spear |
| Calls forth a lightning spear to deal Wind property physical and magic damage to all enemies in a 3x3~7x7 area around the target and has a 5~25% chance to stunning them. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Warmer |
| Heals all targets in a 7x7 area, cures and prevents them from Frozen, Freezing and Crystalization statuses. | 5 | Supportive |
Elemental Spirit Skills
Description |
 | Elemental Action |
| Commands the elemental spirit to use its Offensive skill | 1 | Active |
 | Analyze Element |
| Reassembles and disassembles elemental ores and stones in their counterparts. | 2 | Active |
 | Spirit Control |
| Switches the elemental spirit to Passive / Defensive / Offensive mode or breaks the spirit. | 4 | Active |
 | Spirit Cure |
| Consumes 10% of the user's HP and SP to heal the elemental spirit's HP and SP for the same amount. | 1 | Supportive |
 | Spirit Sympathy |
| Increases the elemental spirit's Max HP and Max SP by 5~25%, ATK and MATK by 25~125 and decreases the SP Cost of summoning by 10~30%. | 5 | Passive |
 | Elemental Shield |
| Create a magical barrier on the cells the caster and party members are standing on. | 5 | Supportive |
 | Call Agni |
| Summons Agni, the Fire property elemental spirit. | 3 | Active |
 | Call Aqua |
| Summons Aqua, the Water property elemental spirit. | 3 | Active |
 | Call Tera |
| Summons Tera, the Earth property elemental spirit. | 3 | Active |
 | Call Ventus |
| Summons Ventus, the Wind property elemental spirit. | 3 | Active |
 | Fire Insignia |
| Creates a crest on the ground that boosts Fire property damage. | 3 | Supportive |
 | Earth Insignia |
| Creates a crest on the ground that boosts Earth property damage. | 3 | Supportive |
 | Wind Insignia |
| Creates a crest on the ground that boosts Wind property damage. | 3 | Supportive |
 | Water Insignia |
| Creates a crest on the ground that boosts Water property damage. | 3 | Supportive |
Job Bonuses
Stat\Amount | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 | +6 | +7 | +8 | +9 | +10 | +11 |
STR | 10 | 11 | 33 | 53 | | | | | | | |
AGI | 20 | 21 | 41 | 55 | | | | | | | |
VIT | 4 | 14 | 23 | 32 | 45 | 57 | | | | | |
INT | 1 | 2 | 5 | 12 | 13 | 22 | 30 | 39 | 46 | 50 | 60 |
DEX | 3 | 15 | 19 | 24 | 31 | 40 | 44 | 51 | 59 | | |
LUK | 47 | 48 | 49 | | | | | | | | |
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