Geneticist |
Job Base(s): | Alchemist Biochemist |
Job Type: | 3-2 |
Changes At: | Al De Baran |
Number of Skills: | 19 |
Total Skill Points: | 91 |
Total Quest Skills: | 0 |
Job Bonuses |
+3 | +6 | +6 | +12 | +8 | +2 |
Geneticists are the third class versions of Alchemists and Biochemists. When reaching Base Level 99, they're eligible to become a Geneticist.Alchemists who become a Geneticist can no longer transcend and thus cannot gain any transcendent skills (including Acid Bomb) and it is always recommended to transcend and turn into a Biochemist before turning third class, as with any other class in the game.
Geneticists are a rather complex class that require a lot of hard work and dedication to master, but pays off greatly in the end with the ability to solo MVPs with ease and excel in performance at PvP. Geneticists are essentially the best MVP class in the game in terms of versatility and damage per second, but they're also the most expensive class to maintain. Everything about the Geneticist has improved from its formerBiochemist self, including good Area skills and the ability to hit Ghost property monsters with Cart Cannon, much better plant summons, the ability to make even more powerful potions and bombs, and a new evolution of Homunculus that will grant powerful support abilities to its owner.
Mastersmiths already brought cart skills beyond the level of a Merchant class with Cart Boost and High Speed Cart Ram, but Geneticists go even further. Improving the Mastersmith's Cart Boost by giving it attack boost, even better Movement Speed boost and adding new skills that allow Geneticists to battle using their cart as a weapon. the Geneticist has become a powerful class capable of destroying any object in its way.
Job Change Guide
See Geneticist Job Change Guide for detailed information.
Changing into a Geneticist from an Alchemist or Biochemist requires the player to complete 2 tasks:
- Gaining knowledge about plants
- Learning more about carts
After completing these tests, the player will be transformed into a Geneticist. The test mostly takes place inside of the Geneticist's Lab inLighthalzen.
Cart Cannon Leveling Build
- STR: 90~100
- AGI: 1
- VIT: 96 (100 with job bonus)
- INT: 100~120
- DEX: 90~120 (for the cast time of Cart Cannon. Cast Time reduction gear can allow more points focused into INT/LUK)
- LUK: 30+ (after a certain point, LUK becomes cheaper over STR/INT)
Primary Skills:
 | Cart Remodeling |
 | Cart Cannon |
 | Cart Boost (Geneticist) |
Optional Skills:
 | Blood Sucker |
 | Thorn Wall |
 | Crazy Vines |
 | Hell Plant |
With proper gears to boost damage, full PvM Cart Cannon build stats-wise is not necessary and can aim for a balanced, MVPing build, as the stats on the builds are quite similar. This way a Stat & Skill reset doesn't become necessary. Plants can be used to create clusters and lure mobs into it. Players can also use Blood Sucker to heal and deal additional damage.
MVP Killer
- STR: 90~105
- AGI: 1
- VIT: 96 (100 with job bonus)
- INT: 90
- DEX: 90
- LUK: 41
Mandatory Skills:
 | Acid Bomb |
 | Full Chemical Protection |
Primary Skills:
 | Cart Remodeling |
 | Cart Cannon |
 | Cart Boost (Geneticist) |
 | Blood Sucker |
 | Fire Expansion |
PvP/WoE Mad Scientist
- STR: 90
- AGI: 1
- VIT: 96 (100 with job bonus)
- INT: 100~120
- DEX: 90
- LUK: 39+
 | Acid Bomb |
 | Hell Plant |
 | Crazy Vines |
 | Mandragora Howling |
 | Blood Sucker |
 | Item Sling |
 | Acid Bomb |
 | Full Chemical Protection |
 | Summon Flora |
Pure Potter/Cook
- STR: 1
- AGI: 1
- VIT: 1
- INT: 110
- DEX: 90
- LUK: 120
 | Special Pharmacy |
 | Mixed Cooking |
 | Bomb Creation |
 | Change Material |
Base Homunculus:
Hybrid PvM and brewing builds can still have decent Acid Bomb and Cart Cannon damage, while still retaining good brewing/cooking success rates.
Cart Cannon Leveling Build
Crown of Deceit [1]
Evil Marching Hat [1]
Rideword Hat [1]
Airship Captains Hat = increases ranged damage by 7%
Recommended cards:
- Kathryne Keyron for faster Cart Cannon cast time.
Orleans's Gown [1]: The Gown protects the casting of being interrupted for less Cast Time increase than a Phen Card provides; this also frees up an accessory slot. However, some players like to use a Phen Carded accessory + another armor, like a Brynhild or an elemental armor with Marc Card. Orleans's or Phen is also not required for Cart Cannon if the player has 100% variable cast time reduction or more. Otherwise, but the Gown is the superior choice for Cast Time compared to using a Phen Card.
Recommended cards:
- Porcellio.
Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3] or
Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]: Both swords are viable to use, but the Red version is much more expensive due to its extra Weapon ATK. For a leveling build, the Blue version is enough, but for MVPing the Red version is better for the extra damage it has for Acid Bomb.
Erde [2] or
Red Square Bag [2]: With Expert Archer enchants from Malangdo, these Maces provide good damage versus Large monsters due to their damage modifier bysize (100% vs. 75% from Swords against Large monsters). Also, Maces cannot be broken (except in upgrade attempts), therefore Dieter's Pyroclastic won't cause damage to these weapons.
Carga Mace [2]: Decent damage without enchants.
Hurricane Fury [1]: Powerful, but Axes haven't favorable damage modifiers by size. It's also two handed, rendering the user incapable to use Shields. However, it does provide a small reduction againt Medium monsters. Can be enchanted with Expert Archer enchants for more damage.
Recommended cards:
- Archer Skeleton.
Round Buckler [1]
Bradium Shield [1]
Recommended cards:
- Racial Resist cards.
Heroic Backpack [1]
Fallen Angel Wing [1] with Spell enchants for faster Cast Time.
Diabolus Manteau [1]
Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]
Recommended cards:
- Raydric.
Variant Shoes
Medal of Honor (Merchant)
Glorious Ring
RWC 2012 Pendant
Sprint Ring
MVP Killer
Top Headgears:
Crown of Deceit [1]
Evil Marching Hat [1]
Abysmal Knight Helm [1]
Middle Headgears:
Black Frame Glasses [1]
Mini Glasses [1]
Sunglasses [1]
Glasses [1]
Lower Headgears:
Pirate Dagger
Recommended cards:
- Dark Pinguicula, Seyren Windsor. Any combination of the above with any of the elemental resist cards based on the resist needed.
Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano [1]
Saphien's Armor of Ocean [1]
Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor [1]
Recommended cards:
- Marc.
Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]
Erde [2] (Must be enchanted with Expert Archer)
Byeollungum (Must be enchanted with Expert Archer)
Hurricane Fury [1]
Recommended cards:
- Archer Skeleton.
Valkyrja's Shield [1]
Recommended cards:
- Alice.
Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1]
Heroic Backpack [1]
Diabolus Manteau [1]
Recommended cards:
- Raydric
Variant Shoes
Shackles (Combined with Bloodied Shackle Ball)
Medal of Honor (Merchant)
Glorious Ring
Waterdrop Brooch [1] (for Water resist)
Ring Of Flame Lord
Bloodied Shackle Ball (Combined with Shackles)
Recommended cards:
- Phen.
Potion Brewer Set
 | St. Patrick's Hat |
 | Black Devil's Mask |
 | Four Leaf Clover |
King Poring Hat
 | Excalibur |
 | Guard [1] |
 | Zealotus Card |
 | Valkyrian Armor [1] |
 | Baby Leopard Card |
 | Fallen Angel Wing [1] |
 | Crystal Pumps |
 | Cat Hand Glove [1] |
 | Zerom Card |
- Main article: Homunculus S
Here is a quick breakdown of the homunculus and their uses:
- Bayeri (Scope: PvM) - A tanky unicorn with attitude. Bayeri uses safety walls on his owner and provides Holy property area damage. However, its biggest weakness is that its area attack is interruptable, which makes it an unpopular choice of Homunculus S amongst most Geneticists.
- Dieter (Scope: PvM, PvP, WoE and MVP) - The most popular of the Homunculi S. Dieter provides his owner with a significant damage boost (which has the downside of possibly breaking weapons) as well as area damage against mobs. Dieter is very tanky, which combined with his awesome area ability, makes him possibly the best Homunculus S to AFK with.
- Eira (Scope: PvM, PvP and MVP) - Being one of the unfavorite Homunculi S that doesn't get enough attention, Eira should by no means be ignored. She has a special skill that provides her owner with ludicrous amounts of flee rate temporarily (sets Flee Rate to 500 when mastered), which can make a big difference in a dire situation. And speaking of defeat, Eira can be a great backup. With her resurrection spell, she'll bring her owner back from the dead so that embarrassing trip back to town can be avoided.
- Eleanor (Scope: PvM and PvP) - Probably one of the least loved Homunculi S, brings the damage but not much else. This fistcuff lover monk-like cat-lady will brutally beat the heck out of any target in sight, chaining together combo attacks that do decent damage. She has no area attacks, which makes her fairly useless in PvM except for picking off single targets. Mostly just played for aesthetics though.
- Sera (Scope: PvM, PvP, WoE and MVP) - The ultimate all purpose Homunculus S. This crazy bee-lady provides her owner with a massive damage reduction boost that buys her owner a window of opportunity to defeat an MvP (or another player) without being barraged with heavy damage. Very useful for solo PvM as well due to her area attack and paralyzing sting.
Class Data
Description |
 | Blood Sucker |
| Attaches a blood sucking plant that absorbs HP from a target to recover caster's HP. Requires a Bloodsuck Plant Seed. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Bomb Creation |
| Creates explosives out of various kinds of fruit. | 2 | Active |
 | Cart Boost (Geneticist) |
| Increases Movement Speed by 50~100% and ATK by 10~50. | 5 | Supportive |
 | Cart Cannon |
| Shoots a Cannon Ball from the Cart to deal damage to all enemies in a 3x3~7x7 area around the target. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Cart Remodeling |
| Increases the Cart Weight by 500~2500 and Hit rate of Cart Skills by 4~20. Also increases the damage with Cart Skills. | 5 | Passive |
 | Cart Tornado |
| Spins the Cart to deal damage to all enemies in a 5x5 area around the user. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Change Material |
| Changes ingredients used for Potion Creation skills into another ingredient at random. | 1 | Active |
 | Crazy Vines |
| Summons a huge plant mass that deals Earth property damage to all targets nearby and cancels any ground skills in the area. | 10 | Offensive |
 | Demonic Fire |
| Throws a Bottle Grenade at the ground to create a sea of fire to continually deal Fire property damage to all enemies in a 5x5area and causing Burning status by chance. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Fire Expansion |
| Throws an item on an area with Demonic Fire active, which causes various effects depending on the thrown item. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Full Throttle |
| Fully restores HP when cast and increases movement speed increases for the skill's duration. All stats +20%. | 1 | Active |
 | Hallucination Drug |
| HIT -50 and Hallucination status in a 9x9~29x29 area. | 5 | Active |
 | Hell Plant |
| Summons a plant from hell onto the ground, which deals damage in contact and causes Stun and Bleeding statuses by chance. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Item Sling |
| Flings an item that is classified as a "throwing item" to a target. | 1 | Active |
 | Mandragora Howling |
| Pulls a live Mandragora from the ground which releases a wild scream in a 11x11~15x15 around the user that, by chance, decreases INT by 4~20, drains SP by 30~50 and increases their Fixed Cast Time by 0.5~2.5 seconds of all targets nearby. | 5 | Active |
 | Mixed Cooking |
| Mixes various ingredients to create incredibly delicious food. | 2 | Active |
 | Special Pharmacy |
| Creates a new variety of potions and drinks. | 10 | Active |
 | Spore Explosion |
| Attaches an explosive mushroom spore to a target which explodes afterwards, dealing damage to all enemies in a 5x5~9x9area around the target. Requires a Bomb Mushroom Spore. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Sword Training |
| Increases ATK by 10~50 and Hit rate by 3~15 with swords. | 5 | Passive |
 | Thorn Trap |
| Throws a thorny trap onto a cell which binds the enemy's feet, dealing damage over time. Requires a Seed of Horny Plant. | 5 | Offensive |
 | Thorn Wall |
| Creates a barrier of thorns around a target location that deals damage in contact. | 5 | Offensive |
Job Bonuses
Stat\Amount | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 | +6 | +7 | +8 | +9 | +10 | +11 | +12 |
STR | 34 | 51 | 56 | | | | | | | | | |
AGI | 8 | 20 | 29 | 40 | 47 | 55 | | | | | | |
VIT | 15 | 18 | 24 | 25 | 52 | 57 | | | | | | |
INT | 1 | 2 | 7 | 12 | 23 | 35 | 36 | 41 | 44 | 45 | 50 | 60 |
DEX | 3 | 6 | 13 | 19 | 28 | 39 | 53 | 59 | | | | |
LUK | 31 | 58 | | | | | | | | | | |
Equip | Attack Speed | From 2nd Class |
Bare Handed | 156 | - |
Shield | -4 | - |
Dagger | -10 | - |
Sword | -4 | +1 |
Axe | -11 | -6 |
Two-H Axe | -11 | +1 |
Mace | -5 | - |
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