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This page lists iRO Wiki hosted game tools. Please feel free to leave any suggestions for other legitimate tools we can host on the Talk page.


  • Warning: This is considered an illegal program by iRO due to other features / uses included in it and you can be banned for using it. Use it on iRO at your own risk.
The following are previous versions of RCX hosted by iRO Wiki. For the current version, visit the RCX homepage. For troubleshooting and support, visit the RCX Discussion Thread on the forums.
RCX 61 • RCX 61c • RCX 61f • RCX 61h • RCX 61j
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1
RCX 57a • RCX 57b • RCX 57c
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1
RCX 43None